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* For a complete list of publications, click here.
Journal Publications
61. M. Mousa, E. Fort, and M. Nouh, First Experimental Realization of a Thermoacoustic-based Flue-gas Analyzer, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 589, 118571 (2024). [View]
60. M. Moghaddaszadeh, M. Mousa, A. Aref, and M. Nouh, Mechanical Intelligence via Fully Reconfigurable Elastic Neuromorphic Metasurfaces, APL Materials, 12, 051117 (2024). [View]
59. H. Al-Babaa, H. Yousef, and M. Nouh, A Blueprint for Truncation Resonance Placement in Elastic Diatomic Lattices with Unit Cell Asymmetry, JASA Express Letters, 4(7), 077501 (2024). [View]
58. H. Al-Babaa and M. Nouh, The Role of Frequency and Impedance Contrasts in Bandgap Closing and Formation Patterns of Axially-vibrating Phononic Crystals, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 91(3), 031006 (2024). [View]
57. R. Iqbal, A. Behjat, R. Adlakha, J. Callanan, M. Nouh, and S. Chowdhury, Auto-differentiable Transfer Mapping Architecture for Physics-infused Learning of Acoustic Field, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 5(3), 1132-1146 (2024). [View]
56. J. Callanan, R. Adlakha, M. Mousa, and M. Nouh, Traveling Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigeration with Variable Phase-Controlled Boundary Conditions, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(6), 3943-3954 (2023). [View]
55. M. Moghaddaszadeh, A. Ragonese, Y. Hu, Z. Guo, A. Aref, C. Zhou, S. Ren, and M. Nouh, Local Resonance Bandgap Control in a Particle-aligned Magnetorheological Metamaterial, Communications Materials, 4, 94 (2023). [View]
54. L. Katch, M. Moghaddaszadeh, C. L. Willey, A. T. Juhl, M. Nouh, and A. P. Argüelles, Analysis of Geometric Defects in Square Locally Resonant Phononic Crystals: A Comparative Study of Modeling Approaches, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(5), 3052-3061 (2023). [View]
53. R. Adlakha and M. Nouh, On-demand Harmonic Wave Suppression in Non-Hermitian Space-time-periodic Phased Arrays, Smart Materials and Structures, 32, 074001 (2023). [View]
52. H. Al-Babaa, C. L. Willey, V. W. Chen, J. Liu, A. T. Juhl, and M. Nouh, Theory of Truncation Resonances in Continuum Rod-based Phononic Crystals with Generally Asymmetric Unit Cells, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6, 2200700, 1-17 (2023). [View] [Cover]
51. R. Adlakha, W. Liu, S. Chowdhury, M. Zheng, and M. Nouh, Integration of Acoustic Compliance and Noise Mitigation in Indoor Path Planning for Drones in Human-robot Collaborative Environments, Journal of Vibration and Control, 10775463221124049, 1-15 (2022). [View]
50. Y. Hu, J. L. Gottfried, R. Pesce-Rodriguez, C. Wu, S. D. Walck, Z. Liu, S. Balakrishnan, S. Broderick, Z. Guo, Q. Zhang, L. An, R. Adlakha, M. Nouh, C. Zhou, P. W. Chung, and S. Ren, Releasing Chemical Energy in Spatially Programmed Ferroelectrics, Nature Communications, 13, 6959 (2022). [View]
49. M. Moghaddaszadeh, M. A. Attarzadeh, A. Aref, and M. Nouh, Complex Spatiotemporal Modulations and Non-Hermitian Degeneracies in PT-symmetric Phononic Materials, Physical Review Applied, 18, 044013 (2022). [View]
48. A. Aladwani, M. Nouh, and M. I. Hussein, State-space Bloch Mode Synthesis for Fast Band-structure Calculations of Non-classically Damped Phononic Materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 396, 115018 (2022). [View]
47. J. Callanan, C. L. Willey, V. W. Chen, J. Liu, M. Nouh, and A. T. Juhl, Uncovering Low Frequency Band Gaps in Electrically Resonant Metamaterials through Tuned Dissipation and Negative Impedance Conversion, Smart Materials and Structures, 31, 015002 (2022). [View]
46. A. Stein, M. Nouh, and T. Singh, Widening, Transition and Coalescence of Local Resonance Band Gaps in Multi-resonator Acoustic Metamaterials: From Unit Cells to Finite Chains, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 523, 116716 (2022). [View]
45. A. Aladwani, A. Mohammed, and M. Nouh, Tunable Dissipation in Elastic Metamaterials via Methodic Reconfiguration of Inertant Mechanical Networks, Meccanica, 57(6), 1336-1352 (2022). [View]
44. M. Moghaddaszadeh, R. Adlakha, M. A. Attarzadeh, A. Aref, and M. Nouh, Nonreciprocal Elastic Wave Beaming in Dynamic Phased Arrays, Physical Review Applied, 16, 034033 (2021). [View]
43. J. Callanan, R. Iqbal, R. Adlakha, A. Behjat, S. Chowdhury, and M. Nouh, Large-aperture Experimental Characterization of the Acoustic Field Generated by a Hovering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(3), 2046-2057 (2021). [View]
42. M. Oddiraju, A. Behjat, M. Nouh, and S. Chowdhury, Inverse Design Framework with Invertible Neural Networks for Passive Vibration Suppression in Phononic Structures, Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(2), 021707 (2021). [View]
41. A. Ragonese and M. Nouh, Prediction of Local Resonance Band Gaps in 2D Elastic Metamaterials via Bloch Mode Identification, Wave Motion, 102734 (2021). [View]
40. A. Aladwani and M. Nouh, Strategic Damping Placement in Viscoelastic Bandgap Structures: Dissecting the Metadamping Phenomenon in Multiresonator Metamaterials, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88(2), 021003 (2021). [View]
39. R. Adlakha, M. Moghaddaszadeh, M. A. Attarzadeh, A. Aref, and M. Nouh, Frequency Selective Wave Beaming in Nonreciprocal Acoustic Phased Arrays, Scientific Reports, 10, 21339 (2020). [View]
38. Y. Hu, Z. Guo, A. Ragonese, T. Zhu, S. Khuje, C. Li, J. C. Grossman, C. Zhou, M. Nouh, and S. Ren, A 3D-Printed Molecular Ferroelectric Metamaterial, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27204 (2020). [View]
37. J. Callanan, P. Ghassemi, J. DiMartino, M. Dhameliya, C. Stocking, M. Nouh, and S. Chowdhury, Ergonomic Impact of Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Noise in Warehouse Environments, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 100, 1309-1323 (2020). [View]
36. M. A. Attarzadeh, J. Callanan, and M. Nouh, Experimental Observation of Nonreciprocal Waves in a Resonant Metamaterial Beam, Physical Review Applied, 13, 021001 (2020). [View]
35. H. Al-Babaa, S. Nandi, T. Singh, and M. Nouh, Uncertainty Quantification of Tunable Elastic Metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 015102 (2020). [View]
34. A. Aladwani and M. Nouh, Mechanics of Metadamping in Flexural Dissipative Metamaterials: Analysis and Design in Frequency and Time Domains, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 173, 105459 (2020). [View]
33. H. Al-Babaa, M. Nouh, and T. Singh, Dispersion and Topological Characteristics of Permutative Polyatomic Phononic Crystals, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475, 2226 (2019). [View]
32. M. A. Attarzadeh, S. Maleki, J. L. Crassidis, and M. Nouh, Non-reciprocal Wave Phenomena in Energy Self-reliant Gyric Structures, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(1), 789-801 (2019). [View]
31. H. Al-Babaa, J. Callanan, and M. Nouh, Emergence of Pseudo-Phononic Gaps in Periodically Architected Pendulums, Frontiers in Materials, 6, 119 (2019). [View]
30. J. Callanan and M. Nouh, Optimal Thermoacoustic Energy Extraction via Temporal Phase Control and Traveling Wave Generation, Applied Energy, 241, 599-612 (2019). [View]
29. H. Al-Babaa and M. Nouh, Control of Spatial Wave Profiles in Finite Lattices of Repelling Magnets, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 141(11), 111015 (2019). [View]
28. A. Aladwani, A. Almandeel, and M. Nouh, Fluid-Structural Coupling in Metamaterial Plates for Vibration and Noise Mitigation in Acoustic Cavities, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 159, 151-166 (2019). [View]
27. W. Akl, M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Polyurea and Polyurea/Carbon Black Composites, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 23(2), 223-247 (2019). [View]
26. C. Banquet, H. Al-Babaa, M. Frazier, M. Nouh, and M. Hussein, Metadamping: Dissipation Emergence in Elastic Metamaterials, Advances in Applied Mechanics, 51, 115-164 (2018). [View]
25. M. A. Attarzadeh and M. Nouh, Elastic Wave Propagation in Moving Phononic Crystals and Correlations with Stationary Spatiotemporally Modulated Systems, AIP Advances, 8, 105302 (2018). [View]
24. H. Al-Babaa, J. Callanan, M. Nouh, and T. Singh, Band Gap Synthesis in Elastic Monatomic Lattices via Input Shaping, Meccanica, 53(11), 3105-3122 (2018). [View]
23. M. A. Attarzadeh and M. Nouh, Non-reciprocal Elastic Wave Propagation in 2D Phononic Membranes with Spatiotemporally Varying Material Properties, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 422, 264-277 (2018). [View]
22. H. Al-Babaa, D. DePauw, T. Singh, and M. Nouh, Dispersion Transitions and Pole-zero Characteristics of Finite Inertially Amplified Acoustic Metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics, 123,105106 (2018). [View]
21. H. Al-Babaa, M. A. Attarzadeh, and M. Nouh, Experimental Evaluation of Structural Intensity in Two Dimensional Plate-type Locally Resonant Elastic Metamaterials, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 85(4), 041005 (2018). [View]
20. M. A. Attarzadeh, H. Al-Babaa, and M. Nouh, On the Wave Dispersion and Non-reciprocal Power Flow in Space-time Traveling Acoustic Metamaterials, Applied Acoustics, 133, 210-214 (2018). [View]
19. D. DePauw, H. Al-Babaa, and M. Nouh, Metadamping and Energy Dissipation Enhancement via Hybrid Phononic Resonators, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 18, 36-44 (2018). [View]
18. M. H. Ansari, M. A. Attarzadeh, M. Nouh, and M. Amin Karami, Application of Magnetoelastic Materials in Spatiotemporally Modulated Phononic Crystals for Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation, Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 015030 (2018). [View]
17. H. Al-Babaa, M. Nouh, and T. Singh, Pole Distribution in Finite Phononic Crystals: Understanding Bragg-effects through Closed-form System Dynamics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(3), 1399-1412 (2017). [View]
16. H. Al-Babaa, M. Nouh, and T. Singh, Formation of Local Resonance Band Gaps in Finite Acoustic Metamaterials: A Closed-form Transfer Function Model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 410, 429-446 (2017). [View]
15. M. Nouh, On the Spatial Sampling and Beat Effects in Discrete Wave Profiles of Locally Resonant Acoustic Metamaterials, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(3), 1514-1522 (2017). [View]
14. H. Al-Babaa and M. Nouh, Mechanics of Longitudinal and Flexural Locally Resonant Elastic Metamaterials using a Structural Power Flow Approach, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 122, 341-354 (2017). [View]
13. H. Al-Babaa and M. Nouh, An Investigation of Vibrational Power Flow in One-Dimensional Dissipative Phononic Structures, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 139(2), 021003 (2017). [View]
12. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Periodic Metamaterial Plates with Smart Tunable Local Resonators, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(13), 1829-1845 (2016). [View]
11. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Wave Propagation in Metamaterial Plates with Periodic Local Resonances, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 341, 53-73 (2015). [View]
10. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Vibration Characteristics of Metamaterial Beams with Periodic Local Resonances, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 136(6), 061012 (2014). [View]
9. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Onset of Oscillations in Traveling Wave Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Harvesters using Circuit Analogy and SPICE Modeling, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(6), 061005 (2014). [View]
8. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Piezo-driven Thermoacoustic Refrigerators with Dynamic Magnifiers, Applied Acoustics, 83, 86-99 (2014). [View]
7. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Transient Characteristics and Stability Analysis of Standing Wave Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Harvesters, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(2), 669-679 (2014). [View]
6. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Realization of Dynamically Magnified Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(14), 3138-3152 (2014). [View]
5. M. Nouh, N. Arafa, and E. Abdel-Rahman, Stack Parameters Effect on the Performance of Anharmonic Resonator Thermoacoustic Heat Engine, Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 61(1), 115-127 (2014).
4. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Optimum Design of Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters with Dynamic Magnifiers, Engineering Optimization, 46(4), 543-561 (2014). [View]
3. A. Roshwalb, M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Performance of a Traveling Wave Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Energy Harvester: An Electrical Circuit Analogy Approach, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 25(11), 1372-1383 (2014). [View]
2. M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Energy Harvesting of Thermoacoustic-Piezo Systems with a Dynamic Magnifier, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, 061015 (2012). [View]
1. J. Smoker, M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem, and A. Baz, Energy Harvesting from a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic-Piezoelectric Resonator, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 104901 (2012). [View]
Books & Book Chapters
C. Banquet, H. Al-Babaa, M. Frazier, M. Nouh, and M. Hussein, Chapter Two - Metadamping: Dissipation Emergence in Elastic Metamaterials, 115:164, Volume 51 (Advances in Crystals and Elastic Metamaterials, Part 1), Advances in Applied Mechanics (2018). [Link]
M. Nouh, O. Aldraihem and A. Baz, “Thermoacoustic Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters”, Chapter 12, in “High Temperature Materials and Mechanisms”, Editor: Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Feb. 2014, ISBN 9781466566453. [Link]
M. Nouh, M. Eldeeb, W. Mostafa, M. Beshr, "HVAC Design of a Healthcare Facility - Basic Concepts & Methodologies", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2010, ISBN 9783843357173. [Link]
Short Term Projects
M. Nouh (Supervision: Michaela G. Meir, John B. Rekstad), "Testing a new material for flat polymer-based Solar Collectors - An Experimental Study", Internship project, University of Oslo, July-August 2007, Oslo, Norway. [View pdf]
W. Mostafa, M. Nouh, M. Eldeeb and M. Beshr (Supervision: Essam E. Khalil, Gamal El Hariry), "HVAC Design of a Healthcare Facility", BS.c. graduation thesis, Cairo University, May 2008, Giza, Egypt. [View pdf]